Friday, July 2, 2010

June 20th was a big day for the Singletons

Sorry this is long overdue! I need to do better on posting, the days seem to short and the to do list to long! Father's Day was a big deal this year not only does Ben now have another son to call him DaDa, but Owen was baptised, it was Abe's 5th gotcha day and Isaac was 11 months old. If that's not a reason to celebrate then i don't know what is.

Daddy and the boys, none of them like to have there picture taken, including Daddy, can't you tell!

This is Owen preparing for his baptisism, later that night I asked him about it and was telling him how proud we were of him and his decision to follow Christ and this is what he said, "Water feel good on outside and heart feel good on inside." We are so proud of him and praying he will always jump in where God leads.

Here is the boy who started it all. I can't believe it's been five years already. We love you buddy and we're so glad God chose us to be your family.

Here is our mover and shaker. He's been cruising around on all fours for a month now and he's getting good with a walker. Time flys, soon we'll be having a birthday party!

This is singer man (aka Sam) he often comes out for special occasions and church. We still haven't figured it out yet, we'll let you know when we do!

We've been so blessed by all of our children and can't imagine our family without them and we eagerly await the next child God has for our family.


  1. y'alls family is SO beautiful! hope all is well for you guys!

  2. Way to go Owen!!! Singing with the angels down here! So awesome! I know you've been so busy, but have missed you posting!! We love the Singletons!!

  3. You have such gorgeous children. I love your family's heart and I'm eager to participate in all God had for you guys.
