Thursday, April 29, 2010

Am I black mom?

The other day I was changing Isaac's diaper and Sam comes in the room as is his routine, if Isaac's awake Sam is sure to be nearby. Anyway Sam asks me in a matter of fact voice,
Sam: "Mom am I black?"
Me: He is looking at his arm and I can tell he means literally what color am I. So I respond, "Well your kind of brownish?"
Sam: "Is Isaac black?"
Me: "He's brown too, just darker than you." I'm thinking wow this is a good opportunity to discuss our differences, and how God loves us all and were a wonderful mix of all the colors he has created, when Sam follows up with this...
Sam: Will I ever be green?
Me: "No Sam."
Sam: "Why not? I want to be green!"
He walks away and I just shake my head and laugh. He doesn't care that we're different colors he just wants to be his favorite color John Deere green. Don't you love children, so unhindered by the things that bind adults.
Here they are beautifully unhindered...


  1. hahhahahahaaaaaaaa! awesome.

  2. *laughing* So funny! Children are so wonderful like that. Thanks for sharing Sammy.

  3. I love it!
    In His Love,
    Your Fellow Travel Buddy Amy

  4. Love it...sooo precious!

    Hey...I'm not sure if I have your email address right. I've emailed a few times about the pictures (that I have FINALLY posted to Snapfish). email me when you can

    Mis you guys!!!
