Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chose this day who you will serve...

As I was reading my Bible today I was stuck by two pasages of scripture:

"You should defend those who cannot help themselves. Yes, speak up for the poor and needy and see that they get justice." Proverbs 31:8-9

"She sews for the poor, and generously gives to the needy." Proverbs 31:19-20

This has not been the first time I have read these verses, but it is the first time I have believed it included me too. Before I have felt overwhelmed not knowing what to do, always feeling like it isn't enough. I have after all adopted two beautiful boys and we are currently in process to adopt another, but today was different, today I knew there is more to do, more to say, others to touch and save. If I won't be the hands and feet of Jesus, then who will? Why do I always assume someone else will do it, or believe the lie that I can't? I have to, those children are counting on me and so is Jesus. I won't miss my calling! I won't miss out on my children, becasue of fear or money or any other lie satan trys to bate me with. Those of you that have already adopted know what I'm talking about. Imagine if we'd let fear or doubt have it's way, we would have missed out on our children. Can you imagine life without them now? Is God calling you to adopt? If so don't say no, your heart will ache from now to eternity if you do. Don't let fear and doubt keep you from your calling, you were created for such a time as this, heaven forbid your too afraid to grab ahold and love your baby. It won't always be easy but it will be a wild ride, guarteed to bring fufillment.

1 comment:

  1. Leigha!! So excited you have a blog! Your beautiful family will be such and inspiration and encouragement to so many! Praying for your child(ren) in ET! Please give everyone our love!!
