Family dolls you say? What are family dolls? Well let me explain. Our agency has asked traveling families to bring a few items that were needed for the transition home (the place our children live once they have been assigned to their families). One of the items they requested were sets of family dolls so the children could role play with the psychologist what they've been through, and the transitions yet to come. In other words, great toys to help the children deal with what they've been through and what is yet to come. Wonderful I thought I'm going to be sure and take some family dolls, so I check Wal-mart (the go to store for rural southern IN) they've got nothing. So I began the on-line search, they were quite pricey and then add in shipping and they were very expensive, but I really wanted to take family dolls. I thought it's important and key tool to help children transition into their new homes. Monday I set out on a mission to gather a few more items needed for our trip and I decided to go to a neighboring town because I knew they had a store that might have the much coveted family dolls. Well if you know me very well, you know I like a good junk store, so I on the way I stopped at my favorite junk store and what did I find? You guessed it FAMILY DOLLS!!!

Not one set but two, one in black and one in white. Could it get any better you ask? Yes it can! I got them for the low, low price of $12. Now I tell you all this not because it makes a great story even though it does, but I tell you this because I am continual amazed at the working of the Father's hand in every step of our adoption. He knew what those children needed and he provided and I am blessed to be a part of his plan. If you haven't jumped fully into all the God has planned for you, don't wait, I'm sure he has a set of family dolls waiting for you somewhere along the way.
Our travel date is fast approaching. We leave Feb. 10 and return Feb. 20. We plan to post every day while in Ethiopia so tune in to read more about our beautiful new son Isaac and our journey to bring him home and pray for Grandma, Nana, and the two Paps as they wrestle the troops at home! We are so blessed to have a family that embraces adoption and helps us along the way.